Frequently Asked Questions
Where is the Library located in the Institute?
What are the library opening hours?
Who can borrow books and other learning materials from the Library?
How to create a library account?
How to reset the password of the library account?
Where can I access the online catalog?
How many books and other materials can I borrow from the Library, and for how long can I keep these with me?
From where can I borrow books and other learning materials in the Library?
Where do I return the books and other materials that I have borrowed from the Library?
Is there any overdue fine on the Library books and other materials after the due date?
How do I pay the Library overdue fine?
Can I renew my borrowed library book online?
I have lost the books that I borrowed from the Library, what should I do now?
How to place hold on a library book?
How do I request such books and articles that are not part of the Library?
How do I suggest a new book for the Library?
Where do I search what E-Resources (journals, databases, research tools, etc.) are available in the Library?
How can I access the e-resources?
How do I access the E-Resources from off-campus/outside campus?
Does the Library have access to any Plagiarism check tool?
How do I search for theses submitted by past students?
Does the Library have any reading devices - tablets, Kindles, etc.?
Does the Library offer scanning, printing and photocopy services to the users?
How do I check the availability of space in the Library building?
How do I book the Library study spaces that are available for booking?
Where is the reference section of the library located?
Where are the course reserved books kept in the library?
Where do I find the competitive exam books?
Where are the New Arrivals displayed in the library?
What are the special collections in the library?
Does the library provide Newspaper Clipping Service for its users?
Can I borrow newspapers and magazines?
Does the library have collections other than course related books?
Does the Library conduct some events for its users?
Can I keep my belongings with me inside the library rooms?
Is there any water cooler available in the library for users?
Can I donate books and monetary support to the Library?
Does the library offer membership to its Alumni?