The 100 most influential scientists of all time

The 100 most influential scientists of all time One hundred influential scientists of all time Hundred most influential scientists of all time edited by Kara Rogers - New York : Britannica Educational Publishing, ©2010 - 360 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - The Britannica guide to the world's most influential people . - Britannica guide to the world's most influential people .

This book includes bibliographical references and an index.

Introduction -- Asclepius -- Hippocrates -- Aristotle -- Pliny the Elder -- Ptolemy -- Galen of Pergamum -- Avicenna -- Roger Bacon -- Leonardo da Vinci -- Nicolaus Copernicus -- Paracelsus -- Andreas Vesalius -- Tycho Brahe -- Giordano Bruno -- Galileo -- Johannes Kepler -- William Harvey -- Robert Boyle -- Antonie van Leeuwenhoek -- Robert Hooke -- John Ray -- Sir Isaac Newton -- Carolus Linnaeus -- Henry Cavendish -- Joseph Priestley -- Luigi Galvani -- Sir William Herschel -- Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier -- Pierre-Simon Laplace -- Edward Jenner -- John Dalton -- Georges Cuvier -- Alexander von Humboldt -- André-Marie Ampére -- Amedeo Avogadra -- Joseph-Louis Gay-Lussac -- Sir Humphry Davy -- Jöns Jacob Berzelius -- John James Audubon -- Michael Faraday -- Sir Charles Lyell -- Louis Agassiz -- Charles Darwin -- Sir Francis Galton -- Gregor Mendel -- Louis Pasteur -- Alfred Russel Wallace -- William Thomson -- Joseph Lister -- James Clerk Maxwell -- Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev -- Ivan Petrovich Pavlov -- A.A. Michelson -- Robert Koch -- Sigmund Freud -- Max Planck -- Nettie Maria Stevens -- William Bateson -- Pierre Curie -- Marie Curie -- Henrietta Swan Leavitt -- Ernest Rugherford -- Carl Jung -- Albert Einstein -- Alfred Lothar Wegener -- Sir Alexander Fleming -- Niels Bohr -- Erwin Schrödinger -- Selman Abraham Waksman -- Edwin Powell Hubble -- Linus Pauling -- Enrico Fermi -- Margaret Mead -- Barbara McClintock -- Leakey Family -- George Gamow -- J. Robert Oppenheimer -- Hans Bethe -- Maria Goeppert Mayer -- Rachel Carson -- Jacques-Yves Cousteau -- Luis W. Alvarez -- Alan M. Turing -- Norman Ernest Borlaug -- Jonas Edward Salk -- Sir Fred Hoyle -- Francis Harry Compton Crick -- James Dewey Watson -- Richard P. Feynman -- Rosalind Franklin -- Edward O. Wilson -- Jane Goodall -- Sir Harold W. Kroto -- Richard E. Smalley -- Robert F. Curl, Jr. -- Stephen Jay Gould -- Stephen W. Hawking -- J. Craig Venter -- Francis Collins -- Steven Pinker.


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